About Us

Purpose Driven Roofing Impacting Families, Neighborhoods, and Communities

Treating People Well Is Not An Accident

Jason Hall has never met a stranger. His desire to spend the time to understand someone’s needs and listen to their challenges earns him lifelong business friendships with the families he helps.  He’s never seen a problem he’s unwilling to take on and do it right the first time.  He operates with high integrity and when he gives his word that is the end of it.

The Roots

Jason was raised in a home where helping others was a constant priority.  Dennis and Vicki Hall planted churches, raised a family, and taught their children the timeless values of living a God fearing life.  In 2008 Vicki went to Heaven but those values lives on.  Fix It Forward Roofing was founded on these timeless principles.
Dennis was blessed to find a wonderful partner in Judy who he wed and began and wonderful new journey.  They continue to pour into their families and community.  Dennis serves as a Chaplain  and continues to provide wisdom, guidance, and leadership which our world desperately needs.  His Legacy and nature is a kind and gentle Fathering to all who cross his path. This speaks loudly of his Savior. 
Jason could not be prouder of his Dad for continuing to run the race with fervency, integrity, and faith.  – I love you dad.

Our Core Values

Purpose Driven Roofing impacting Families, Neighborhoods, and Communities

Helping Others

As we go into communities to repair homes, we help those who cross our paths. Sometimes we help in large ways and other times it helps the need in the moment


Integrity is doing what we say we are going to do even if the circumstances in which we gave our word has changed. We do the right thing even if it's costly.


We are a trusted advisor who has walked hundreds of people down the path you are about to go down. You can feel confident knowing we are with you.

Our Mission

Jason started Fix It Forward Home Services as a passion to help families avoid some of the pitfalls which come with owning a home. It’s not about the house. He loves helping families that live in them. Happy Families make happy neighborhoods which made happy communities.  Our mission is to help as many people as we can along the way.  As we go about our normal business we refuse to ignore those who are in need.

Our Vision

To help families and communities in the central and north Texas areas.  Create a large enough customer base to open a non profit and donate a portion of profit and operational man power to help people in our communities who are unable to help themselves. Eventually expand Fix It Forward Roofing into other areas of home maintenance.

Faces of Giving

Our Friend Beverly

Beverly is a God fearing woman who has faced many battles in her life. She has dealt with the crippling blow of a breast cancer diagnosis before and came out the other side a champion and victor in the fight against breast cancer. After being cancer free for many years, she recently found out the war against cancer will begin again. She walked into her first Chemo treatment with a Joy of the Lord attitude and lifted many people’s hearts and minds. Knowing the financial costs coming her way, we had an opportunity to donate money to her for the purchase of a wig and help keep that joy and love in her heart without the worry of financial obligations for her new wig. We are excited to watch her fight and win this battle against cancer. If you know someone going through the fight, please reach out to us and we would love to put them on our prayer list. Battles are meant to be fought together, not alone.

Our Friend Howard

I met Howard on my way into work one morning. His vehicle was on the side of the road and the hood was raised with obvious signs of needing an extra hand. He is a hard working man in the construction trades and his vehicle is his lifeline. We towed the vehicle to a repair shop to get the vehicle back on the road as soon as possible. Sometimes small acts of kindness like this can change someone’s day for the better. When was the last time you pulled over for someone broken down on the side of the road and what impact could you have made in that small act of kindness? Let’s all try to look out for one another and help each other out where we can.

Our Friend Ben

Ben works tirelessly from sunrise to sunset. If that isn’t enough, during his off time, he runs down to Mrs. Virginia’s house to make sure she is doing ok and mows her yard. You see, Mrs. Virginia is a widower with property in Leander where she helps people with affordable housing. For this young at heart woman, the daily upkeep of the property is too much and without the help of Ben, she wouldn’t be able to afford the cost of normal upkeep. This is why Mrs. Virginia asked us to offer up a non profit roof for his home. She gave countless testimonies of his amazing gifts to her and she asked if we could return the favor. SO WE DID! We completed his roof at no profit to us and got his home dry and beautiful for years to come. It was our pleasure and joy to pay it forward or as we like to call it, Fix It Forward. How can you help your neighbors or friends? Lets all try and reach out to those we are close to and try to bless those around us.

Our Friend Jennifer

Jennifer is a single mom of 3 beautiful kids of her own, and 144 kids that she dedicates her life to every year. She is a Teacher in our community and loves what she does. The costs of repairing her roof was not in her teacher salary. We showed up at her house seeing an opportunity to bless someone. So we completed the repairs on her roof that was causing water damage to the inside of her child’s room and let her know not to worry about the cost for the repairs. This is what we do and this is our mission. To bless those that give to our community so that they can continue to bless our community and neighborhoods. Have you told your child’s or grandchild’s teacher how much you appreciate them? Sometimes a small note can turn a teachers day for the better. This is something I know and understand because my wife is a teacher and I see how notes of encouragement lift her spirit.

Local Non Profit

A local church in the area reached out to us about a leak in their building that was causing damage to the inside of the building. Being the son of a pastor and knowing the daily financial battles a small church and pastor go through, I jumped at the opportunity to help and we were able to repair the building and water proof the area before the next rain event. What small things can you do for local charities where you live? It’s not always about financial contributions. Most organizations need manpower to help the people they are serving so maybe something as small as volunteering once a month can help. Let’s all make a choice to give back in some small way.

Need A Free Estimate?

We would love the opportunity to speak with you about your next roofing project.